Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic

About Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic

State licensed health clinic providing free alternative medical treatment to low income women with cancer.


Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Western herbs, homeopathy, massage, and therapeutic imagery.

Offer relief from the terrible side effects of cancer and its treatments pain, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite and enhance the immune systems and the quality of life of their clients.

Complementary alternative medical (CAM) treatments are rarely covered under health care plans.

Without the services provided by the CMCC, low-income women with cancer would not have access to these beneficial treatments.

The Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic has been founded to provide access to alternative complementary modalities of treatment for women with cancer.

By providing these services, they hope to empower women to have control over their lives and health care choices.

Through this work they will also educate the community at large about cancer and about health care as a human right.

The clinic is founded specifically to treat women because of the particular social, economic, and political realities women face in society and in relation to the health care system.

The following are important criteria for each person committed to the realization of this clinic:

1. Dedication to serving all women, including lesbians, women of color, and differently abled women.

2. Clarity that they are not treating cancer, but providing support to women with cancer.

3. Knowledge of complementary medical modalities.

4. Fundraising or non-profit experience.

5. A feminist consciousness.

6. Willingness to work with and in a small group.

7. Commitment to carrying forward the mission and upholding the principles of this clinic.

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